Covenant Groups
Covenant Groups are designed to help build deeper friendships within the church and to meet more personal needs for connection and prayer. Hosted by members of our congregation, our Covenant Groups meet monthly in homes or at church and include time for snacks, social time, devotion, and most importantly, sharing what God is doing in our lives. All church members are invited and encouraged to join a covenant group!

Sunday School
Classes are taught for all ages after Worship Service every Sunday at 11:15am. Each quarter we offer different adult Sunday School classes to teach spiritually-sound, culturally-relevant Christian principles. The classes are taught by our pastors, elders, or current members. In the past year, studies on Micah, Ephesians, Hymns, Haggai and Jonah have been offered. Most classes are open to men and women, but occasionally there are classes geared specifically toward men, women or a specific stage of life.
Coffee Talk is also an ongoing class that offers the opportunity to discuss questions brought up by the sermon in an informal setting.
Children’s Program
During the Worship Service, we welcome children up to age four in the nursery. Children’s Worship is offered during the adult sermon for children ages 4 through kindergarten.
For Sunday School, we teach a Reformed Sunday School curriculum that disciples children by rooting them firmly in God’s Word. Classes are provided for preschool through senior high school.
On Wednesday nights, kids up to 5th grade also meet for Catechism Club to study God’s Word and engage in fun activities together.

Youth Group
CGPC has an active youth program that meets regularly for Sunday School, Bible study, fellowship, and special events.
College Students
CGPC welcomes college students in the area and supports the local Campus Outreach ministry.
Campus Outreach is passionate about helping college students grow in their leadership, character, and faith. To learn more, visit
The Women’s Ministry offers opportunities for the women of the church to connect with each other and to serve the church. They host an ongoing Bible study that rotates through different books and meet once a week for discussion. A book club meets monthly to discuss popular books. They also host special events such as craft workshops, a ladies’ tea, bridal and baby showers. The women are instrumental in planning church gatherings such as the annual Thanksgiving dinner, church picnics, graduation parties, and more!
The Men’s Ministry includes monthly breakfasts with a time of fellowship, singing and prayer; a discipleship book club; and Wednesday morning coffee meet-ups.
Music is an important part of worshiping the Lord at Center Grove. We sing both traditional and modern hymns, psalms and worship music using a variety of instrumental accompaniment. Our church provides many opportunities for people of all ages and musical interests to share their musical gifts. The instrumental ensemble includes a wide variety of instruments to accompany singing each week. The vocal choirs and ensembles help lead singing or provide special music. There is a place for each person who desires to serve in our music ministry.
Church Plant
CGPC seeks to plant a church in O’Fallon, Illinois, 18 miles east of downtown St. Louis. There is a need and opportunity for a reformed church to shepherd and equip God’s people to share the good news of Christ. O’Fallon is a growing community, with a focus on community involvement, service and growth. Many families move to and from Scott AFB each year, where there are no protestant services at the base chapel. Center Grove PCA been praying about this since 2021 and a committee has been working to prepare for a church planter since January 2022. Email to contact the church plant committee for more details.